Individuals working within the music industry are often expected to work anti social hours and often find it difficult switching off from their career and constantly view other elements of their lives (ie. personal relationships) through their professional lens. This in turn can sometimes inhibit individuals from maintaining a healthy work and life balance. It is important to recognise the unique nature of this profession as it is one that can often consume an individuals identity, and music is a fundamental human construct that we all encounter within our lives. Additionally, a musician is rarely viewed as separate from their musical identity and are seen as not just a music creator but as an entertainer and often a role model with a social responsibility for their fans. Recommendations for maintaining a healthy work and life balance as a musician are; maintaining quality sleep, stress management, self-reflection, exercise, mindfulness, meditation and sharing experiences (both positive and negative) with others. BAPAM and the Musicians Union take a look at further steps that can be taken. Discussions surrounding this issue are being communicated now more than ever before. A 24 hour support line was put in place by Help Musicians UK in 2017 to offer around the clock advice to both amateur and professional musicians. For more help or information, visit the link